Friday, November 29, 2013

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Christmas?

Jehovah's Witnesses only celebrate the one event that Jesus commanded his followers. The memorial of his death (1 Cor. 11:23-26). They also celebrate other events which are referred to favorably in the Scriptures such as marriages, anniversaries, the birth of a baby, graduations and many other happy occasions.

But why don't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate Christmas? Jehovah's Witnesses take their worship very seriously and insist upon keeping their worship of God undefiled (James 1:27). So Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas simply because Christmas has pagan origins and associations; Christmas is based upon falsehoods and Christmas also promotes idolary, a practice the Bible condemns. Jehovah's Witnesses do not want to offend God by imitating these celebrations which incorporate so much falsehood and are associated with the most horrible beliefs from the past.

This article will further address these reasons why Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas.

Christmas Has Pagan Origins and Associations

Christmas is a corruption of Christianity and was adopted from terribly pagan customs and celebrations:

"December 25 was already a major festival in the pagan Roman world, the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, or `Birthday of the Unconquered Sun,' a feast honoring the renewal of the sun at the winter solstice. Pagan celebrations on December 25 had included feasting, dancing, lighting bonfires, decorating homes with greens, and giving gifts. So when this became a Christian [?] festival, the customs continued, but with a Christian [?] meaning imparted to them." - p. 414, Vol. 4, Encyclopedia International, Grolier, Inc., 1966.

"Most of the Christmas customs now prevailing in Europe [and America] ... are not genuine Christian customs, but heathen customs which have been absorbed or tolerated by the Church... The Saturnalia in Rome provided the model for most of the merry customs of the Christmas time.... Christmas inherited the general merriment in a more restrained form (excessive only in eating and drinking) [but see 1 Pet. 4:3, 4]: games, giving of gifts (especially to children), abundance of sweet meats and, as more ceremonious elements, burning of candles..." - Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Hastings, Vol. III, pp. 608, 609.

Concerning Christmas trees:

"It is believed that the custom is a survival of the tree worship of ancient German tribes." -- "Tree worship was common in Scandinavian countries.... When the pagans of Northern Europe became Christians [?], they made their sacred evergreen trees part of the Christian festival, and decorated the trees with gilded nuts, candles (a carry-over from sun worship), and apples to stand for the stars, moon, and sun." - pp. 1429, 1425, The World Book Encyclopedia, 1958 ed.
Additional Reading:
Christmas - It's Origins and Associations
(Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)
Christmas Customs - Are They Christian?
(Official Website of Jehovah's Witnesses)

Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Avoid Pagan Customs?

If pagan ceremonies, customs, god names, etc. are really mixed in with ceremonies, customs, etc. that we use today, they are not merely unacceptable - - - they are detestable to God. We must completely get away from these unclean things and not even "touch" them. (2 Cor. 6:17) Notice how exclusive the worship of God must be: "Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips." - Exodus 23:13, NIVSB.

But some may still wonder why Jehovah's Witnesses consider customs that have pagan origins to be so bad. "After all," they may ask, "aren't there many things which originated, or are associated with paganism - pharmacies, calendars, etc.?"

Consider the two examples concerning Luke and Paul. When Luke wrote in Acts mentioning the Areopagus ('Ares Hill' - Ares is the Greek god of war; 'Mars' is the Latin god of war), he didn't feel the need to change its already established name to something no one would recognize. Furthermore, Paul actually went to this place devoted to a pagan god and preached. And Paul accepted the Areopagite, Dionysius (Greek name for 'god of wine') and had him join him - Acts 17:19-34. Luke and Paul certainly did not become participants in something associated with pagan origins.

So these necessary things are not a celebration of pagan gods. But it would be wrong to incorporate anything used for pagan worship, into our worship or related activities. Holidays, for example, are "Holy Days" and are a part of "worship", by their very name.

While we today have no practical option but to use things like the Gregorian calendar (which uses the names of pagan Roman gods), we do have a choice whether or not to participate in customs which were originally devoted to honoring these gods. And according to Scripture, we should take advantage of that choice.

Additional Reading: 
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Gregorian Calendar
(Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)
Can the Pagan Customs of Christmas Really Be MADE Acceptable to God?
(Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)
Can a Pagan Holiday Be Made Christian?
(Official Website of Jehovah's Witnesses)

Christmas is Based on Falsehoods

First, consider what is regarded as the basis for the Christmas celebration. Was Jesus really born on December 25th? No, it's a total falsehood:

"Neither scripture nor secular history records the date of Jesus' birth. .... In A. D. 350 Pope Julius I formally designated December 25 as Christmas. He chose that date because it coincided with important pagan festivals. These, in turn, were linked with the winter solstice [the shortest day of the year]." - How it Started, p. 54.

The Bible never mentioned that Jesus nor his followers ever celebrated his birth. In fact, the early Christians and Jews of Bible times did not celebrate birthdays at all:

"Christians of the first century did not celebrate the festival honoring the birth of Jesus - for the same reason they honored no other birthday anniversary. It was the feeling at that time by ALL Christians that the celebration of all birthdays (even the Lord's) was a custom of the PAGANS." - The Christian Book of Why, by Dr. John C. McCollister, Jonathan David Publishers, Inc., 1983, p. 205.
Additional Reading:
The Date of Jesus' Birth
(Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Many of the details of Jesus' birth that are widely accepted as heartwarming facts are untrue and are actually sinister in nature. For instance, when Joseph, Mary, and Jesus received an unexpected visit from a number of foreigners, the Bible writer Matthew does not specify how many of these men came, nor does he call them "wise men," much less "three kings." He uses the Greek word ma'goi, which means "astrologers." This alone should give us a clue that something evil is at work here, for astrology is an art that God's Word condemns and that faithful Jews scrupulously avoided. (Deut. 18:10-12; Isaiah 47:13, 14)

And the "star" that these astrologers followed? It first drew them to Jerusalem and to Herod the Great who had great motive to harm young Jesus. Disturbed to hear of the birth of a future "king of the Jews," he dispatches the astrologers to find that One. The "star" then lead these pagan worshipers right to Jesus. The unwitting astrologers likely would have reported back to Herod, leading to Jesus' destruction. But God intervenes through a dream and sends them back home by another route. - Matthew 2:9-12.
Additional Reading:
The Truth About Christmas (Official Website of Jehovah's Witnesses)

And what about the popular myth that so many parents intentionally tell their children? Many adults feed children dishonesties and distortions which eventually may lead to atheism. The anticipation of a mythical gift-giver ends up taking on much more importance to young ones than Jesus Christ. And when children eventually realize that they have been lied to, they very well could also conclude: "Since Santa is a myth, why couldn't Christ be also?"

"But," some may ask, "why should it matter if not all of the details are correct?"

Because if true Christians really wished to celebrate an occasion in honor of Jesus Christ, matters should be presented truthfully. Jesus said at John 4:23 that true worshipers shall worship "in spirit and truth". So anything to which Christ's name is attached should therefore be factual. Christmas really does not measure up to this primary identification of Christ's teachings and true Christians.

Those who honestly wish to be true worshippers of God would do well to consider - Would the "God of truth" (Ps. 31:5) really appreciate having people worshiping Him with so many lies and distortions?
Additional Reading:
Christmas Customs - Are They Christian?
(Official Website of Jehovah's Witnesses)

Christmas Promotes Idolatry

Regardless of what the motivation may be, participating in Christmas customs perpetuates practices rooted in ancient idolatry, something that is also forbidden in the Bible. (1 John 5:21) Santa, stars, solar worship, birthdays of Gods, tree worship... they are all idols that were and are still used by non-Christian worshipers. Many of these are still used by Satan worshipers today. (1 Cor. 11:14)

The celebration of Christmas has also promoted the worship of Jesus in place of his Father, Jehovah God. This is another form of idolatry since the glorified Lord Jesus Christ never claimed to be God Almighty. Instead Jesus declared: “The Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28) He directed all worship to his Father, saying: “It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.” (Matthew 4:10)
Additional Reading:
Worship That God Approves
(Official Website of Jehovah's Witnesses)
Is Jesus Almighty God?
(Official Website of Jehovah's Witnesses)
Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Not Use Images in Their Worship?
(Official Website of Jehovah's Witnesses)

How Should "True Worshippers" Respond When Learning The Truth About Christmas?

There are many who, before becoming Jehovah's Witnesses, celebrated Christmas at one time in their lives. They fully understand how enjoyable and sentimental this time of year can be. However, after they learned the truth about Christmas they acted upon what they knew. (Eph. 5:10, 11) They accepted God's word over the desires of their hearts and the traditions of men. By rejecting the pagan associations, idolatry and falsehoods that Christmas has to offer and modeling themselves after the first-century disciples of Jesus who observed no such holiday, they can aspire to be counted among the "true worshippers" that Jesus said worship "in spirit and truth". (John 14:23)

Additional Reading:
Take Your Stand For True Worship
(Official Website of Jehovah's Witnesses)

(Also see the December 2010 Awake! magazine "The Truth About Christmas".)

To those who are not Jehovah's Witnesses, please remember that if you are looking for the authoritative information on Jehovah's Witnesses' beliefs and practices you should look to the source at

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

There are many wholesome occasions that Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate such as marriage anniversaries  and weddings which are referred to favorably in the Scriptures. But why don't Jehovah's Witnesses formally observe the national holiday of Thanksgiving?

There are several reasons why Jehovah's Witnesses do not formally observe the national holiday of Thanksgiving or many other national holidays. In fact, when it comes to the observance of certain events, there is only one occasion that Jesus actually commanded his followers to observe. He required his followers to memorialize his death. (Luke 22:19, 20) Therefore, Jehovah's Witnesses only formally celebrate the one event that Jesus commanded his followers. The memorial of his death (1 Cor.11:23- 26). For more, see: The Lord’s Evening Meal—An Observance That Honors God (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society).

Jehovah's Witnesses and Thanksgiving

To help understand Jehovah's Witnesses' position regarding the national holiday of Thanksgiving, this article will consider the following three aspects:

1.) How Christians are to be thankful every day - not letting political governments setting aside one day out of the year for us.

2.) Thanksgiving and its Questionable Associations

3.) Thanksgiving, Patriotism and Christian Neutrality

Be Thankful Every Day

Do true Christians need to set one day aside for Thanksgiving? Should the political governments tell us what day we should give thanks?

Jehovah's Witnesses give thanks every day and allow no one to tell them on which day they can thank God.

Also consider that genuine thanks should be accompanied by a deep desire to demonstrate gratitude in action. In contrast, how many observers of the national Thanksgiving holiday actually offer thanks to God? Are not their thoughts more on feasting and having a merry time than on the many gifts God has given? Can it be said that thanksgiving is offered to God by indulging in an extra-big meal? Thanksgiving to God does not come from the stomach but from the mind. It is verbally expressed. “I will praise the name of God with song, and I will magnify him with thanksgiving.” (Ps. 69:30) “In everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God.”—Phil. 4:6.

Thanksgiving and Questionable Associations

It is relatively easy to discover that holidays such as EasterChristmas or Halloween have been directly adopted from pagan celebrations. (For more, see the Holidays category.) But what about Thanksgiving?

Note what the publication Holidays Around the World, by Joseph Gaer says about Thanksgiving:

"Thanksgiving for the annual harvest is one of the oldest holidays known to mankind ... 'The Romans celebrated their Thanksgiving early in October. The holiday was dedicated to the goddess of harvest, Ceres, and the holiday was called Cerelia. 'The Christians took over the Roman holiday and it became well established in England, where some of the Roman customs and rituals for this day were observed ... "

Also note the following:

"Throughout the world harvest has always been the occasion for many queer customs which all have their origin in the animistic belief in the corn [grain]-spirit or corn [grain]-mother. This personification of the crops has left its impress upon the harvest customs of modern Europe. .... Throughout the world, as Sir J. G. Frazer shows, the semi-worship of the last sheaf is or has been the great feature of the harvest-home. Among harvest customs none is more interesting than harvest cries; the Devonshire reapers go through a ceremony which in its main features is a counterpart of pagan worship." - pp. 231-232, Encyclopedia Britannica, volume 11, 14th edition.

"The Pilgrims, who in 1621 observed our initial Thanksgiving holiday, were not a people especially enthusiastic about the celebration of festivals. In fact these austere and religious settlers of America would have been dismayed had they known of the long and popular history of harvest festivals, of which their Thanksgiving was only the latest. .... The harvest festival, with its attendant rites, seems to have spread out from ... Egypt and Syria and Mesopotamia. The first or the last sheaf of wheat was offered to the `Great Mother' .... Astarte [equivalent to Ishtar and Eastre] was the Earth Mother of the ancient Semites; to the Phrygians she was Semele; under the name of Demeter she was worshiped by the Greeks at the famous Eleusinian Mysteries..." - pp. 271-272, Celebrations - The Complete Book of American Holidays, Robert J. Myers, Doubleday & Co., 1972. For more, see: THANKSGIVING - Does It Have Any Known Pagan Religious Association?.

It would be wrong to incorporate anything used for pagan worship, into our worship or related activities. Holidays, for example, are "Holy Days" and are a part of "worship" by their very name. So if pagan ceremonies, customs, god names, etc. are really mixed in with ceremonies, customs, etc. that we use today, they are not merely unacceptable - - - they are detestable to God. We must completely get away from these unclean things and not even "touch" them. (2 Cor. 6:17) Notice how exclusive the worship of God must be: "Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips." - Exodus 23:13, NIVSB.

Thanksgiving, Patriotism and Christian Neutrality

It was not until 1789 that the first national Thanksgiving Day was proclaimed by George Washington. And, even after that precedent, this practice was not carried on by succeeding presidents. In addition to Presidents Jackson and Taylor, it is claimed that Thomas Jefferson refused to issue Thanksgiving proclamations, condemning it during his two terms. In a letter to the Rev. Mr. Miller, he gave his reasons for refusing:

"I consider the Government of the United States as interdicted by the Constitution of the United States from meddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises.... But it is only proposed that I should recommend, not prescribe, a day of fasting and praying. That is, I should indirectly assume to the United States an authority over religious exercises, which the Constitution has directly precluded them from.... Every one must act according to the dictates of his own reason and mine tells me that civil powers alone have been given to the President of the United States, and no authority to direct the religious exercises of his constituents."

Finally, it was Sarah J. Hale that influenced President Abraham Lincoln to issue his Thanksgiving Proclamation on October 3, 1863 in which Lincoln established a yearly national festival, which ensuing presidents have honored.

Many governors opposed the idea because they felt that it was an example of state interference with religion. Actually, in time the celebration itself became more political.

For example, Mrs. Hale and her supporters intended it to be both a day of patriotism and religion. She wrote in one article: “Then in every quarter of the globe our nationality would be recognized . . . every American . . . would thrill his soul with the purest feelings of patriotism and the deepest emotions of thankfulness for his religious enjoyments.” That this idea was held by others is noted in The American Book of Days: “It has frequently been the custom for clergymen to preach political sermons on Thanksgiving Day. In the early years of the nineteenth century their sermons were extremely partisan.”

So with all of the above in mind, what should be the attitude of Christians regarding patriotic ceremonies? Notice how the early Christians regarded patriotic or state ceremonies:

"First-century Christianity had no temples, built no altars, used no crucifixes, and sponsored no garbed and betitled ecclesiastics. Early Christians celebrated no state holidays..."—The Rise of Christianity, by E. Barnes, 1947, p. 333.

Concerning this, notice what the book On the Road to Civilization—A World History says of the early Christians:

“Christians refused to share certain duties of Roman citizens. The Christians . . . felt it a violation of their faith to enter military service. They would not hold political office. They would not worship the emperor.” When the Jewish high court “positively ordered” the disciples to stop preaching, they answered: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.” (Acts 5:27-29)

It is a fact of ancient and modern-day history that in every nation and under all circumstances true Christians have endeavored to maintain complete neutrality concerning factions of the world. (Luke 4:8; John 17:15, 16; John 18:36)

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not try to prevent others from taking part in patriotic ceremonies, for that is up to each individual as to whom or what he will serve, worship, or pledge his allegiance, but Jehovah’s Witnesses wish to remain neutral toward all national flags, symbols, or emblems and their patriotic ceremonies. For more, see: Christian Neutrality (Jehovah's Witnesses United) and "Religious Persecution - Why?" (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society).

For more information concerning Jehovah's Witnesses and Thanksgiving, see the following reference and/or click on the following links:

"A National “Day of Thanks”—The Dream and the Reality" - Article from the 11/22/76 Awake!

Link: Jehovah's Witnesses, why do you not celebrate Thanksgiving? (Yahoo Answers)

Link: THANKSGIVING - Does It Have Any Known Pagan Religious Association? (Search For Bible Truths)

Link: Is there anything wrong with buying a turkey, which is on sale, and making a dinner on Thanksgiving? Is Thanksgiving pagan? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Holidays and Jehovah's Witnesses - Links to Information

Click on any of the following links to view:


CHRISTMAS - Links to Information (Index; Watchtower Online Library)

Christmas (Search Results From the Watchtower Online Library) 

Christmas Customs - Are They Christian? (w00 12/15 pp. 3-7; Watchtower Online Library)

How Should Christ Be Remembered? (w04 12/15 pp. 4-7; Watchtower Online Library)

Jesus' Birth - How and Why it Happened (w02 12/15 pp. 3-5; Watchtower Online Library)

In Search of the Christmas Spirit (JW.ORG)

Why Do Some People Not Celebrate Christmas? (JW.ORG)

Something Better Than Christmas (JW.ORG)

Remembering Jesus Christ (JW.ORG)

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Christmas? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Christmas - It's Origins And Associations (Search For Bible Truths)

The Date of Jesus' Birth (Search For Bible Truths)

Can the Pagan Customs of Christmas Really Be MADE Acceptable to God? (Search For Bible Truths)

Did Jesus Christ or his disciples or his apostles celebrate Christmas? (Search For Bible Truths)

Did Jesus Want His Birthday Celebrated? Did His Followers Celebrate It? (Search For Bible Truths)

Birthday/Christmas Quotes & Resources (Jehovah's Witnesses Redefended)

HANUKKAH (Index; Watchtower Online Library)

Hanukkah—Is It a “Jewish Christmas”? (JWQ&A)

Hanukkah (Festival of Dedication) - Significance for Christians (JWQ&A)

What Does Christmas Music Really Teach? (Search For Bible Truths)


Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Formally Celebrate Thanksgiving Day?  (Search For Bible Truths)

THANKSGIVING - Does It Have Any Known Pagan Religious Association? (Search For Bible Truths)

The Facts Behind Thanksgiving (From God's Word)

Is there anything wrong with buying a turkey, which is on sale, and making a dinner on Thanksgiving? Is Thanksgiving pagan? (JWQ&A)


EASTER - Links to Information (Index; Watchtower Online Library)

Easter (Search Results From the Watchtower Online Library) 

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Easter? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses) 

Easter Origins, traditions and Customs - Christian or Pagan? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Easter - Pagan and Unscriptural (SFBT; Excerpts from the 4/15/63 and 3/15/68 Watchtowers)

Easter - What do Colored Eggs, Bunnies and Hot-Cross Buns Have to do With Honoring Jesus and God?  (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Does the Word 'Easter' Belong in a Bible Translation? (Acts 12:4; KJV) (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Easter - Who Does It Really Honor? (Jehovah's Witnesses United)

Are Celebrating Holidays Acceptable to God? (Search For Bible Truths)

Paganism (Search For Bible Truths)
Links to related subjects

Should We Celebrate Holidays? (bh p. 222-p. 223; Watchtower Online Library)
“There is no indication of the observance of the Easter festival in the New Testament,” states The Encyclopædia Britannica. How did Easter get started?

EASTER - Does It Have Any Pagan Religious Associations? (Search For Bible Truths)


HALLOWEEN (Index; Watchtower Online Library)

Should we celebrate holidays like... Halloween? (JW.ORG)

Halloween - Should You Celebrate It? (Search For Bible Truths)

HALLOWEEN - Does It Have Any Known Pagan Religious Associations? (SFBT)

St. Patrick's Day:

Saints (Search Results From the Watchtower Online Library)

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate St. Patrick's Day? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

St. Patrick, The Shamrock and The Trinity (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

ST. PATRICK'S DAY - Does It Have Pagan Religious Associations? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

St. Valentine's Day:

VALENTINE'S DAY (Index; Watchtower Online Library)

Saints (Search Results From the Watchtower Online Library)

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate St. Valentine's Day? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

St. VALENTINE'S DAY - Does It Have Any Pagan Religious Associations? (SFBT)

April Fool's Day:

How Do Jehovah's Witnesses View April Fools' Day? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Practical Jokes (Search Results From the Watchtower Online Library)

Origins of April Fool's Day (JWQ&A)

When it comes to having fun or playing practical jokes at another's expense, what scriptural principles should be kept in mind? (JWQ&A)

Mother's Day:

MOTHER’S DAY Index; Watchtower Online Library)

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Formally Celebrate Mother's Day? (Search For Bible Truths)

Independence Day (Fourth of July) - Also see "Neutrality"

Flag Salute, Voting, and Civilian Service (lv pp. 212-215; Watchtower Online Library) 

What scriptures have a bearing on the attitude of true Christians toward involvement in ceremonies commemorating events in a nation's political history? (Search For Bible Truths)

New Year's Eve / Day:

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate New Year's Eve / Day? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Should A Christian Celebrate New Year's Eve / Day? (Search For Bible Truths)


Are Celebrating Holidays Acceptable to God? (Search For Bible Truths)

Should WEDDING RINGS and the use of days and months of the GREGORIAN CALENDAR be avoided by true Christians? (Search For Bible Truths)

Examining Romans 14:6 (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Candy in the gutter illustration (JWQ&A)

Beware of Customs That Displease God (w05 1/1 pp. 27-30; Watchtower Online Library)

Can a Pagan Holiday Be Made Christian? (w07 12/15 pp. 8-9;Watchtower Online Library)

Should We Celebrate Holidays? (bh p. 222-p. 223;Watchtower Online Library)

What view do Christians take of religious holidays? (bh chap. 16 pp. 154-163;Watchtower Online Library)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Video: Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Christmas?

For more, see:

CHRISTMAS - Links to Information (Index; Watchtower Online Library)

Christmas (Search Results From the Watchtower Online Library)

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Christmas? (JW.ORG)

What Does the Bible Say About Christmas? (JW.ORG)

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Christmas? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Christmas Customs - Are They Christian? (w00 12/15 pp. 3-7; Watchtower Online Library)

How Should Christ Be Remembered? (w04 12/15 pp. 4-7; Watchtower Online Library)

Jesus' Birth - How and Why it Happened (w02 12/15 pp. 3-5; Watchtower Online Library)

In Search of the Christmas Spirit (JW.ORG)

Why Do Some People Not Celebrate Christmas? (JW.ORG)

Something Better Than Christmas (JW.ORG)

Remembering Jesus Christ (JW.ORG)

Can the Pagan Customs of Christmas Really Be MADE Acceptable to God? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Christmas - It's Origins And Associations (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

What Does Christmas Music Really Teach? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

CHRISTMAS - Does It Have Any Known Pagan Religious Associations? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

The Date of Jesus' Birth (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Did Jesus Christ or his disciples or his apostles celebrate Christmas? (Search For Bible Truths)

Did Jesus Want His Birthday Celebrated? Did His Followers Celebrate It? (Search For Bible Truths)

Birthday/Christmas Quotes & Resources (Jehovah's Witnesses Redefended)

HANUKKAH (Index; Watchtower Online Library)

Festival of Dedication (Hanukkah) (Index; Watchtower Online Library)

Hanukkah—Is It a “Jewish Christmas”? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Hanukkah (Festival of Dedication) - Significance for Christians (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

            BACK TO HOME PAGE           INDEX 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thanksgiving - Originally Adopted From Pagan Celebrations

It is relatively easy to discover that holidays such as Easter, Christmas or Halloween have been directly adopted from pagan celebrations. 
(For more, see the Holidays category.) 

But what about Thanksgiving?

Note what the publication Holidays Around the World, by Joseph Gaer says about Thanksgiving:

"Thanksgiving for the annual harvest is one of the oldest holidays known to mankind ... 'The Romans celebrated their Thanksgiving early in October. The holiday was dedicated to the goddess of harvest, Ceres, and the holiday was called Cerelia. 'The Christians took over the Roman holiday and it became well established in England, where some of the Roman customs and rituals for this day were observed ... "

Also note the following:

"Throughout the world harvest has always been the occasion for many queer customs which all have their origin in the animistic belief in the corn [grain]-spirit or corn [grain]-mother. This personification of the crops has left its impress upon the harvest customs of modern Europe. .... Throughout the world, as Sir J. G. Frazer shows, the semi-worship of the last sheaf is or has been the great feature of the harvest-home. Among harvest customs none is more interesting than harvest cries; the Devonshire reapers go through a ceremony which in its main features is a counterpart of pagan worship." - pp. 231-232, Encyclopedia Britannica, volume 11, 14th edition.

"The Pilgrims, who in 1621 observed our initial Thanksgiving holiday, were not a people especially enthusiastic about the celebration of festivals. In fact these austere and religious settlers of America would have been dismayed had they known of the long and popular history of harvest festivals, of which their Thanksgiving was only the latest. .... The harvest festival, with its attendant rites, seems to have spread out from ... Egypt and Syria and Mesopotamia. The first or the last sheaf of wheat was offered to the `Great Mother' .... Astarte [equivalent to Ishtar and Eastre] was the Earth Mother of the ancient Semites; to the Phrygians she was Semele; under the name of Demeter she was worshiped by the Greeks at the famous Eleusinian Mysteries..." - pp. 271-272, Celebrations - The Complete Book of American Holidays, Robert J. Myers, Doubleday & Co., 1972

Does it Matter if Holidays Have Pagan Origins?

God has always demanded that our worship to him, no matter how small, must be pure and untainted. God Himself said:

"And God proceeded to speak all these words, saying...You must not have any other gods against my face. Because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting EXCLUSIVE DEVOTION." (Ex. 20:1-5)

It would be wrong to incorporate anything used for pagan worship, into our worship or related activities. Holidays, for example, are "Holy Days" and are a part of "worship" by their very name. So if pagan ceremonies, customs, god names, etc. are really mixed in with ceremonies, customs, etc. that we use today, they are not merely unacceptable - - - they are detestable to God. We must completely get away from these unclean things and not even "touch" them. (2 Cor. 6:17) Notice how exclusive the worship of God must be: "Be careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the names of other gods; do not let them be heard on your lips." - Exodus 23:13, NIVSB.

For more, see:

Paganism - Links to Information (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Formally Celebrate Thanksgiving Day? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate Thanksgiving? (Yahoo Answers)

Is there anything wrong with buying a turkey, which is on sale, and making a dinner on Thanksgiving? Is Thanksgiving pagan? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

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