ASTROLOGY (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)
ZODIAC (Insight-2 p. 1240; Watchtower Online Library)
Astrology (Search results from the Watchtower Online Library )
Should the Zodiac influence your life? (g00 11/8 pp. 26-27; Watchtower Online Library)
The Bible’s Viewpoint - Do the Stars Affect Your Life? (AWAKE! OCTOBER 2012; JW.ORG)
What is Astrology and is it for Christians? (Search For Bible Truths)
Does Astrology really work? (Search For Bible Truths)
Are zodiac signs wrong? (Search For Bible Truths)
News Article: The Truth About Astrology (
Page that thoroughly examines how Astrology scientifically cannot work and links to more (Bad Astronomy)
Astrology practiced or condoned (Reasoning From Scripture)