Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why do the Witnesses call repeatedly even at homes of people who do not share their faith?

Why do the Witnesses call repeatedly even at homes of people who do not share their faith?

Jehovah's Witnesses do not force their message on others. But they know that people move to new residences and that the circumstances of people change. Today a person may be too busy to listen; another time he may gladly take the time. One member of a household may not be interested, but others may be. People themselves change; serious problems in life may stimulate an awareness of spiritual need. (Isaiah 6:8, 11, 12)

The message that the Witnesses proclaim involves the lives of people, so they want to be careful to miss no one. (Zeph. 2:2, 3) Their calls are motivated by love - first for God, also for their neighbor. (Mt. 22:37-39)

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