Monday, March 15, 2010

Holy Spirit - Links To Information

Click on any link to view:

HOLY SPIRIT - Links to Information (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

God’s Active Force; Holy Spirit (Insight-2 pp. 1017-1027; Watchtower Online Library)

Holy Spirit (Search Results From the Watchtower Online Library)

The Truth About the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (What Does the Bible Really Teach? APPENDIX; JW.ORG)

What is the Holy Spirit? (Search For Bible Truths)

Holy Spirit 'proof' - texts debunked (i.e. Acts 5:3,4; Eph. 4:30; Mt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14, etc.) (Search For Bible Truths)

Is Acts 5:3, 4 - Lied to the Holy Spirit...lied to God? (Search For Bible Truths)

Quotes: Holy Spirit is a Force from God, Trinitarians Admit (Search For Bible Truths)

"Holy Spirit" in the Original Greek is Neuter - "It," "Itself" are Used in the Original New Testament Greek (Search For Bible Truths)

Comprehensive Research Concerning Why the Holy Spirit is Not God or a Person (Examining the Trinity)

Gender of article, pronouns for use with holy spirit discussions (Examining the Trinity)

"The Coptic text uses articles with the term 'holy spirit', proving conclusively that it was not regarded as a personal name by those early translators." (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Bowman's Holy Spirit (Examining the Trinity)

What is the difference in the meaning of "ru´ach" (spirit) in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 in the Bible? (Search For Bible Truths)

Is the Holy Spirit really God? (Search For Bible Truths)

The Holy Spirit-Active Force or the 3rd Person of the Trinity? (

What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (Search For Bible Truths)

Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (Search For Bible Truths)

If the Holy Spirit is God, then why isn't the Holy Spirit given equal description in the Bible? (Search For Bible Truths)

Did Jesus ever teach that the Holy Spirit was God along with the Father and Son? (Search For Bible Truths)

Is it true that the Bible describes the Holy Spirit as an "it"? (Search For Bible Truths)

Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (Search For Bible Truths)

Does the Holy Spirit have a personal name? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why is the Holy Spirit nameless and indistinguishable from all of the other holy spirits? (Search For Bible Truths)

Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (Search For Bible Truths)

Does Acts 8:29 prove that the Holy Spirit is a person? (Search For Bible Truths)

How can the Holy Spirit be "grieved"? (Eph. 4:30) (Search For Bible Truths)

If the Holy Spirit is really a person, wouldn't the water and blood be persons too according to Trinitarian reasoning and 1 John 5:8? (Search For Bible Truths)

2 Cor.13:14 "Jesus", "God", "and the...Holy Spirit" (Search For Bible Truths)

If the holy spirit really is a person, then why is it sandwiched between a list of QUALITIES at 2 Cor. 6:6? (Search For Bible Truths)

What is indicated by the expression “the seven spirits”? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Questions for those who believe in the Trinity (Search For Bible Truths)