Saturday, March 26, 2011

Revelation 3:14 Links to Information - "...the beginning of the creation by God."

Rev. 3:14

Click on the following links to view:

Some take the view that what is meant is that the Son was ‘the beginner of God’s creation,’ that he was its ‘ultimate source.’ But Liddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon lists “beginning” as... (rs p. 405-p. 426; Watchtower Online Library)

Appreciate Jesus’ Unique Role in God’s Purpose; "The Amen" Why is Jesus called “the Amen”? (w08 12/15 pp. 12-16; Watchtower Online Library)

Rev. 3:14 - Does 'Arkhe' Mean "Beginning" or Does it Mean "Origin" or "Source"? (Defending the NWT);

VIDEO - "The Beginning of God's Creation" (A grammatical and historical consideration of Revelation 3:14.) (Search For Bible Truths; Video from Scriptural Truths)

NWT - Rev. 3:14 (Defending the NWT)

(Also see the Search For Bible Truths' Scripture Index.)