Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why Do Some Scientists Believe in God?

There are many reasons. But one major reason has to do with the fine-tuning of our universe. It is equipped with fixed physical laws and with natural constants that are precisely and ideally suited to support a planet like ours and all the life on it.

For instance, the precise settings of the four fundamental physical forces (electromagnetism, gravity, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force), affect every object in the universe. They are set and balanced so precisely that even slight changes could render the universe lifeless.

Consider the comments from Science Digest, October 1983, p. 24:

"At the heart of the mystery lies the discovery that many of the familiar structures of the physical world—atoms, stars, galaxies, and life itself—are remarkably sensitive to the precise form in which the fundamental laws of physics manifest themselves. So sensitive are they that the slightest shift in nature's parameters would bring about a catastrophic change in the organization of the cosmos. It seems as though somebody has fine-tuned nature's numbers to make the universe work properly.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? [emphasis by Science Digest writer] .... Scientists are aware that if the catalog of `happy accidents' had not worked out so propitiously, we should not be around to comment on the fact. Any old universe won't do—it has to be a well-organized job."

For much more, see:

The "Impossible Universe" (Search For Bible Truths)

The "coincidences" of extra protons, and the very small mass difference between a neutron and proton, etc. (Search For Bible Truths)

The "Just Right" Status of the Gravitational Force (Search For Bible Truths)

Why Do Some Scientists Believe in God? (Search For Bible Truths)

What is the Big Bang Theory? (Search For Bible Truths)

Does God Really Exist? (Search For Bible Truths)

How Did the Universe and Life Originate? (g02 6/8 pp. 4-7; Watchtower Online Library)

Is There Really a Most High Creator? (pc pp. 9-12; Watchtower Online Library)