Friday, December 28, 2012

Features of the Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY Part 2 - Tips On Refining Your Particular Searches

The Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY is a very helpful tool for newly interested ones and experienced publishers alike. In addition to the helpful search box found there, some of the main features that can assist in your navigation available to date was presented in Features of the Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY Part 1. To view Features of the Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY Part 1, click here.

This article will hopefully provide some helpful tips on refining your particular searches and ways to present links for specific referrals. 

Tip #1 (Not using so much punctuation.)

It has been noticed that sometimes too much punctuation (i.e. commas, quotation marks, dashes, periods, etc.) entered into the search box will result in the message: "Your search did not match any documents." If this message pops up, try using the same words, but with less punctuation.

Tip #2 (Not using so many words.)

Like any other search engine, too many words may result in too many unnecessary results. Try using just the main words that you are focusing on and maybe not as many words such as "the", "and", "a", "is", etc.

Tip #3 (Removing the highlighted orange.) 

Let's say that you found the article that you wanted to share but want to remove the orange highlight that identified your search results. For instance, you typed in "God's Name" and scrolled down to the article "The Fight Against God’s Name" and clicked on it. How do you remove this orange highlight from the article once you have found it? On the left side-panel there are two arrows located above the subheadings. Click either the forward or back arrows to the next article. Then click back to the original article and the orange highlight will have been removed. You can then copy the url and post the link - free of orange highlight.

Tip #4 (Utilize the "Refine Search" option.)

Typed in a word that has way too many results? On the left-hand side-panel is the "Refine Search" section. Simply uncheck all of the boxes and then check the boxes to the publications that you feel may contain what it is you are looking for.

Tip #5 (Utilize the "Located in the same sentence/paragraph/article" option.)

To further refine your search, try using the "Located in the same sentence/paragraph/article" drop-down box that is located directly above the article search results.

Tip #6 (Try using the Scripture Index.)

Still can't find what you feel should be there? Try using the Scripture Index. You can find it by clicking the "Publications" heading, then "Publications Index", and the "Scripture Index". Or just click here. Find the Scripture that you are looking for by scrolling down to the right book and then click on it. Then find the Scripture and you may end up finding what you were looking for better than using the search box.