Saturday, June 12, 2010



Is gambling specifically condemned in the Bible? Would investing in the stock market be considered gambling? (JWQ&A); Should gambling be avoided? (JWQ&A)

Garden of Eden (Category)

Was the Garden of Eden a real place and if so, where was it located? (SFBT)

How could the writer of the book of Genesis (Moses) know where the Garden of Eden was located when the flood surely wiped out all landmarks? (Includes quotes concerning it's location.) (JWQ&A)

Can the Genesis account and Adam and Eve be believed? (SFBT)

Were Adam and Eve real people? (jwitness forum)

Are things that seem to be at odds with the Bible's account really in contradiction to what the Bible says? (JWQ&A)

How is Man Made in God's Image? (Gen. 1:26) (SFBT)

Was Eve created shortly after Adam? (JWQ&A)

Why, in some Bibles, does it say that God called "THEIR name Adam"? (Gen. 2:5) (SFBT)

What did the tree of the knowledge of good and bad represent? (SFBT)

Why did God test Adam and Eve / put the tree in the garden in the first place? (jwitness forum)

Did the snake really talk? How could it when snakes don't have vocal cords? (JWQ&A)

What would have happened if Adam had told Eve "No"? (JWQ&A)

Why didn't God want Adam and Eve to have knowledge of good and evil? (jwitness forum)

Why didn't God just destroy Adam and Eve and start again? (jwitness forum)

Why didn't God just ignore the sin in Eden? (jwitness forum)

Why did God punish Eve if He knew beforehand she would sin? (jwitness forum)

Is God punishing us for Adam's sin? (jwitness forum)

Was Satan around at the time of Adam and Eve and was he responsible for the snake? (SFBT)

What happened to the trees of life and the knowledge of good and bad after Adam and Eve left Eden? (JWQ&A)

Where did Cain get his wife? (SFBT)

Where did Cain get his wife? (jwitness forum)

Where did the different races come from? (jwitness forum)

According to the Bible, what was the time span between Adam’s creation to the Flood? (SFBT)

What Was the Original Sin?
When God created Adam and Eve, he settled them in a beautiful garden that was filled with edible vegetation and fruit-bearing trees. (WBTS)

Why Wickedness Continues
The reason why God has permitted wickedness to exist until our day is related to events that happened early in human history. (WBTS)

You Can Live Forever
Adam and Eve disobeyed Jehovah's instructions and sided with Satan, ... As a result, God rightly determined that Adam and Eve were unfit to ... (WBTS)

What Is God's Purpose for the Earth?
It was here that he put the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. God purposed for them to have ... Adam and Eve sinned by deliberately breaking God's law. (WBTS)

Man and Woman--Made for Each Other
Man and woman are designed to occupy dignified roles in God s arrangement. (WBTS)


"This Generation" of Christ's Prophecies (JWQ&A)

Different meanings of "generation" (JWQ&A)

What is the most important "generation" to be a part of? (JWQ&A)

Genesis (Category)

Is the Earth really only 10,000 years old? (SFBT)

Does the Bible really say that the Earth is only 6,000 years old? (jwitness forum)

What is the firmament in Genesis? (jwitness forum)

How could God produce light on the first day if the luminaries were not made until the fourth day? (SFBT)

What are The Meanings Of The Words Translated "created" In Genesis 1:1 And "make" in Genesis 1:16? (Y/A; Esp. Bar Enosh's response)

Were the plants created before the sun? (jwitness forum)

Were the creative "days" in Genesis literal 24 hour periods? (SFBT)

How long is a "day" in the first chapter of Genesis? What Does the Hebrew word for "Day" mean? What each Day began and ended with (JWQ&A)

What is the significance of a Genesis "Day" consisting of only "evening' and "morning"? (JWQ&A)

Is Gen. 1:5 talking about a literal morning and a literal evening of a literal day? (JWQ&A)

Then there was 'evening and morning' (jwitness forum)

Definition of a "Genesis Kind" (JWQ&A)

Does the fossil record support the Bible? (jwitness forum)

The Genesis Account and Dinosaurs (JWQ&A)

Why does the Bible refer to light from the moon when the moon only REFLECTS light? (Genesis 1:16, 17) (jwitness forum)

Were there two separate accounts of creation? (JWQ&A)

Why did Moses write Genesis chapter 2 the way he did? (JWQ&A)

Are there TWO Genesis accounts? (jwitness forum)

Can the Genesis account and Adam and Eve be believed? (SFBT)

Were Adam and Eve real people? (jwitness forum)

Are humans made of dirt? (jwitness forum)

What about carbon dating and ape-like creatures? (jwitness forum)

Was the Garden of Eden a real place and if so, where was it located? (SFBT)

How is Man Made in God's Image? (Gen. 1:26) (SFBT)

Does Genesis 1:26 prove the Trinity? (SFBT)

Was Eve created shortly after Adam? (JWQ&A)

Why, in some Bibles, does it say that God called "THEIR name Adam"? (Gen. 2:5) (SFBT)

What did the tree of the knowledge of good and bad represent? (SFBT)

Why did God test Adam and Eve / put the tree in the garden in the first place? (jwitness forum)

What would have happened if Adam had told Eve "No"? (JWQ&A)

Why didn't God want Adam and Eve to have knowledge of good and evil? (jwitness forum)

Why didn't God just destroy Adam and Eve and start again? (jwitness forum)

Why didn't God just ignore the sin in Eden? (jwitness forum)

Why did God punish Eve if He knew beforehand she would sin? (jwitness forum)

Is God punishing us for Adam's sin? (jwitness forum)

Was Satan around at the time of Adam and Eve and was he responsible for the snake? (SFBT)

Where did Cain get his wife? (SFBT)

Where did Cain get his wife? (jwitness forum)

Where did the different races come from? (jwitness forum)

Where did all of the varieties of human races/skin tones come from? (JWQ&A)

According to the Bible, what was the time span between Adam’s creation to the Flood? (SFBT)

Were the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:2 angels, and if so, how could they produce offspring (Nephilim) in the time of Noah? (SFBT)

Did the Great Flood of Noah's Day Really Happen? (SFBT)

From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT)

Noah's Flood - Where did the waters come from? (jwitness forum)

Noah's Flood - Where did the waters go? (jwitness forum)

What is the firmament in Genesis? (jwitness forum)

Is there any evidence to support the idea of a global flood? (jwitness forum)

In what year does the Bible indicate the Great Flood occurred and why didn't Noah's father and grandfather enter the ark? (SFBT)

How big was Noah's Ark? (jwitness forum)

Did Noah take insects into the ark? (jwitness forum)

Who were the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:2? (SFBT)

Who were the Nephilim? (SFBT)

The curse of Caanan (jwitness forum)

According to the Bible, when was the city (and tower) of Ba'bel built? (SFBT)

Would we have only one advantageous language with one alphabet if natural selection was at work? (JWQ&A)

Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account?
Does the Bible really teach that all physical creation was produced in six 24-hour days? (WBTS)

Our Unique Solar System How It Got Here
Many factors combine to make our part of the universe unique. (WBTS)

Is Evolution Compatible With the Bible?
Some scientists and religious leaders claim to believe both the theory of evolution and the Bible. (WBTS)

What Was the Original Sin?
Was the forbidden fruit sexual relations? (WBTS)

Was the Flood of Noah s Day Really Global?
Some may wonder if the story of the whole earth being covered with water is a myth or at least an exaggeration. (WBTS)

Why Did That Ancient World Perish?
The global Deluge was not a natural disaster. It was a judgment from God. Warning was given, but it was largely ignored. Why? (WBTS)

Languages--Bridges and Walls to Communication
Where did languages come from? How can they help or hurt human relations? (WBTS)

Gnostic Writings  (See "Apocrypha")

God (Category)

Does God really exist? (SFBT)

How do you KNOW that God even exists? (jwitness forum)

Why Do Some Scientists Believe in God? (SFBT)

How did Moses know that the universe had a beginning when Einstien did not? (JWQ&A)

Deism: Is God unknowable? (jwitness forum)

Who is JEHOVAH?; Part 2 (jwitness forum; Links to videos included)

God's Name (SFBT)

How do you know if JEHOVAH (Yaweh) is the true God? (jwitness forum)

Why does God need our worship? (jwitness forum)

Is there a difference between (uppercase "G") God and "a" (lowercase "g") god? (JWQ&A)

God and gods - What is a god and who have been called 'gods'? (SFBT)

Video: "Early Jewish and Christian Monotheism - The Early use of "God" and the Christological Implications" (SFBT)

Are there many gods, or is there only one God? (SFBT)

Is there only one God? (JWQ&A)

How many TRUE GODS are there? (jwitness forum)

Is God comprised of three persons, or is He just one person? (SFBT)

One God in Three? (pastorrussell)

Why Must We Know Who God Is? (SFBT)

Is God the Father? (SFBT)

The Father (Jehovah) is God Alone (SFBT)

If the Father is the "only true God" (John 17:3) , does that mean that Jesus is a false god? (SFBT)

How do we know that Jehovah the Father is God alone? (SFBT)

Israel's Essential Knowledge of God; The God of Judaism; First Christians WITHIN Judaism (SFBT)

Is God male? (jwitness forum)

Does God exhibit emotions? (JWQ&A)

Does God "evolve", or learn or progress with time? (JWQ&A)

Is the concept of God being a man supported by the Bible? (JWQ&A)

Did Moses see God's face? (jwitness forum)

If we don't go to heaven or hell, then what motivates us to serve God? (SFBT)

Should we attempt to please God as though working toward some kind of reward? (SFBT)

Did God become flesh (1 Tim 3: 16)? (jwitness forum)

What is the purpose of life? (SFBT)

Why did God make us? (JWQ&A)

Is God still interested in us? (SFBT)

Why Does God Permit Suffering? (SFBT)

Why does God permit wickedness and suffering? (JWQ&A)

Is God to blame for our poor decisions? (JWQ&A)

Jehovah and His Judgement—A Cruel or a Loving God? (JWQ&A)

Was God unrighteous in allowing the destruction of innocent children? (jwitness forum)

Does God really delight in killing babies? (Psalms 137: 9) (jwitness forum)

When God’s will is done on earth, will people still get sick or die? (SFBT)


How is Man Made in God's Image? (Gen. 1:26) (SFBT)

Why does the Bible refer to God as having soul? (jwitness forum)

Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)

Does God have blood (Acts 20:28)? (jwitness forum)
(Research file)

Jehovah God (Collection of articles from the WBTS)

Does God really care about us?
AT SOME time in your life, you may have asked: 'If there is a God who really cares about us, why does he permit so much suffering?' (WBTS)

For more articles from the WBTS, click here and then type "God" in the search box.

Godhead (Category)

Does Col. 2:9 prove that Jesus is God? (SFBT)

"Fulness of Deity" - Col. 2:9 (Examining the Trinity)

"Theotes simply does not literally mean "godhead," and the use of "godhead" by the KJV translators was not intended as some would understand it today..." (JWQ&A)

"The Fullness of the Divine Quality" in Colossians 2:9 (Bible Translation and Study)

God's Name (Category)

What is God's Name? Is it 'God', 'Lord', or something else? (SFBT)

“Hallowed be thy name” - What name? (SFBT)

Who is JEHOVAH? (jwitness forum; Links to videos included)

Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)

Where is God’s name found in Bible translations that are commonly used today? / Which form of the divine name is correct—Jehovah or Yahweh? (JWQ&A)

How important is God's Name? (SFBT)

Should God's name “Jehovah" appear in the New Testament? (SFBT)

"Jehovah" in The New Testament (SFBT)

Quotes from sources not affiliated with Jehovah's Witnesses that show that the name "Jehovah" was in fact originally in the New Testament (JWQ&A)

Why is the name JEHOVAH in the Jehovah's Witness Bible? (jwitnessforum)

YHWH in the New Testament (Jehovah's Witnesses United)

Should the name Jehovah not be used because it is said that the letter "J" isn't in Hebrew? (SFBT)

How did "Jehovah" arrive in the English language? What about the vowels? (JWQ&A) Additional

Is it inappropriate to pronounce God's name in another language? (JWQ&A); Part 2; Jesus / Joshua name example. (JWQ&A)

Vatican Says "Yahweh" Not to Be Pronounced (pastorrussell)

How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)

Why Use God’s Name if Its Pronunciation Is Uncertain? (pastorrussell)

Jehovah - Importance of Name (SFBT)

What does it mean to "take the lord's name in vain"? (JWQ&A)

"Hallowed Be Your Name"—What Name? (WBTS)

God's Name—Its Meaning and Pronunciation (WBTS)

The Divine Name Through the Ages (WBTS)

Christians and the Name (WBTS)

God's Name and Bible Translators (WBTS)

God's Name and the "New Testament" (WBTS)

Why We Must Know God's Name (WBTS)

Different scholars have different ideas about how the name YHWH was originally pronounced. (WBTS)

"Jehovah" has become widely known as the name of God even in non-Biblical contexts. (WBTS)

Hostility to God's Name? (WBTS)

"The LORD"—Equivalent of "Jehovah"? (WBTS)

God Has a Name! (WBTS)

The Fight Against God's Name (WBTS)

How You Can Know God by Name (WBTS)

A God Who Makes Things Happen (WBTS)

Why Use God's Name if Its Pronunciation Is Uncertain? (WBTS)

The Divine Name—Its Use and Its Meaning (WBTS)

Good News

The Good News of the Kingdom of God (pastorrussell)

Gospels (Category)

"The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are authentic parts of the Word of God..." (JWQ&A)

What evidence do we have of the authorship of the gospels? (jwitness forum)

What evidence do we have that the original gospels were penned by contemporaries of Jesus? (jwitness forum)

Dating the gospels (jwitness forum)

Are the books of Matthew and Luke "copies" of Mark? (jwitness forum)

Why the discrepencies in the geneology of Jesus? (jwitness forum)

Modern Bible scholars are agreed that the last twelve verses that speak about tongues and not being injured by snakes were not written by Mark but added by another. (jwitness forum)

Why did Mark not mention the virgin birth? (jwitness forum)

Could the apostle John have lived to his 90s? (jwitness forum)

Apocrypha—of God or of Men? (JWQ&A)

How do we know which books belong in the Bible? (JWQ&A)

Why are the gnostic gospels not included in the Bible? (jwitness forum)

The Bible---Do We Have All of It? (Information concerning gnostic writings) (JWQ&A)

Is there any connection between the Coptic canonical Gospels and the Coptic Gnostic "gospels"? (JWQ&A)

What Is the Gospel of Thomas? (Jehovah's Witnesses United)

"Why is there no gospel of Thomas in the Bible when there other references to this elsewhere?" (JWQ&A)

Great Crowd

The Controversy Over the "Great Crowd" of Revelation Chapter 7 (pastorrussell)

Great Tribulation  (Category)
(Also see Armageddon and Last Days)

What is the Great Tribulation and how extensive will it be? (SFBT)

Should You Fear The Great Tribulation? (SFBT)

Armageddon—A Happy Beginning
That great tribulation will culminate at Armageddon. - Matthew 24:21, 29. Since Armageddon is “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” ... (WBTS)

How We Know We Are in "the Last Days" 
Soon it will come to its end in a time of trouble of which Jesus said: "Then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world's ... (WBTS)

The Last Days—When?
Some of the events yet to come are the “great tribulation,” including the war of Armageddon ... (WBTS)