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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Spirit- Links to Information

Spirit  (For Holy Spirit, see Holy Spirit.)

Click on any of the following links to view:

SPIRIT - Links to Information (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

SPIRIT (Insight-2 pp. 1017-1027; Watchtower Online Library)

Different ways that the words translated as "spirit" is used in the Bible (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

The definition of "spirit" - context is key (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Is the soul the same as the spirit? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

How does "the spirit...return to God who gave it"? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

1 Thess. 5:23 - The word spirit in the Bible applies at times to the "mental inclination" (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

What does the Bible say as to what humans are and what becomes of them when they die? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

What is indicated by the expression “the seven spirits”? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

What is the difference in the meaning of "ru´ach" (spirit) in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 in the Bible? (Search For Bible Truths)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Prayer - Links to Information

Click on any of the following links to view:

Prayer - Links to Information (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

PRAYER (Insight-2 pp. 667-671; Watchtower Online Library)

Draw Close to God in Prayer (What Does the Bible Really Teach?; JW.ORG)
Addresses the questions: To whom should we pray? Must we assume a special position or posture when praying? What may we pray for? How long should our prayers be? How often should we pray? Why should we say “Amen” at the end of a prayer?

Would God listen to the prayer of someone else on a person's behalf more, or would it be the same as if the person prayed for themselves? (Search For Bible Truths)

What could make a person's prayers unacceptable to God? (Search For Bible Truths)

How can one pray without ever ceasing? (1 Thess. 5:17); "How can one pray without ever ceasing?" (AP; Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Should We Pray to Jesus? (Jehovah's Witnesses United)

What are proper matters about which to pray? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

What could make a person's prayers unacceptable to God? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)
Whose prayers is God willing to hear? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

"Would God listen to the prayer of a minister on a person's behalf more, or would it be the same as if the person prayed for themselves?" (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Response to ones who may want to pray for you but do not share your beliefs (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Is the reference to Scripture in prayer appropriate? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Reference to scriptures in prayer - prayers that are truly in harmony with the Bible (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

What would be appropriate for inclusion in a public prayer? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Dr. Emoto and his claims of the power of water and prayer (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Monday, September 20, 2010

New World Translation Bible

Click on any of the following links to view:

NEW WORLD TRANSLATION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES - Links to Information (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

NEW WORLD TRANSLATION (Search Results From the Watchtower Online Library)

Responses To Questions Concerning The New World Translation:

How Can I Access a Copy of The New World Translation? (Defending the NWT)

Why Was The New World Translation Printed? (Defending the NWT)

How Accurate is the New World Translation? (Defending the NWT)

The New World Translation - a “Remarkably Good” Translation (Pastor Russell)

Why Do The NWT Translators Choose to Remain Anonymous And Are They The Only Ones To Do So? (Defending the NWT)

What Greek text was used for the NWT? How were the textual variations reconciled? (Defending the NWT)

Is the New World Translation the only Bible to phrase John 1:1c as "the Word was A God"? (Defending the NWT)

Should God's name “Jehovah" appear in the New Testament? (Defending the NWT)

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses primarily use the New World Translation Bible? Why not just use the King James Version? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Have Jehovah's Witnesses always used the New World Translation Bible? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Why are some verses missing in the New World Translation Bible? (Defending the NWT)

Why does the New World Translation sometimes use all capitals for certain words (most often 'YOU' and 'YOUR')? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Is the NWT's use of "discreet" appropriate for the NT Greek word 'phronimos'? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Are There Other Sites and Pages That Defend The New World Translation? (Defending the NWT)

Sites and Pages in Defense of The New World Translation:

"Jehovah" in The New Testament (Search For Bible Truths)

Should the Name Jehovah Appear in the New Testament? (Watchtower Online Library)

Bible Translation and Study (Bible Translation and Study)

The New World Translation (Pastor Russell)

Critics allege that the New World Translation is biased in its translation of Jeremiah 29:10. Is this true? (Jehovah's Witnesses - Setting the Record Straight)

How Can You Choose a Good Bible Translation? (Watchtower Online Library)

From God's Word

Examining the Trinity

How Theology and Bias affects Bible Translation (How Theology and Bias affects Bible Translation)

In Defense of the New World Translation (In Defense of the New World Translation)

Jehovah's Witnesses - Reasoning From Scripture: Defending The NWT Section (Reasoning From Scripture)

Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers Yahoo Group (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Jehovah's Witnesses United - Biblical Exegesis Section (Jehovah's Witnesses United)

Search For Bible Truths (Search For Bible Truths)

NWT and Coptic

Coptic Truth

Sahidic Coptic Insight on NT Verses

Defend Jehovah's Witnesses

God's View of Blood

Replies To Criticisms Made By Ankerberg and Weldon:

NWT - Ankerberg and Weldon (Defending the NWT)

Replies to Criticisms Made By Robert M. Bowman Jr.:

BOWNWT (Zechariah 12:10; Adding 'Other'; Other Additions; Words Omitted; Translating 'In'; Only Believe?; Treatment of the word "spirit"; Words for God; ISA. 9:6; JOHN 1:1; JOHN 1:18; JOHN 20:28; ROM. 9:5; HEB. 1:8; 2 PETER 1:1 (and Titus 2:13); 1 JOHN 5:20; ACTS 20:28; (Defending the NWT)

Rom. 10:13 / Joel 2:32 (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Replies To Criticisms Made By Robert H. Countess:

NWT - B (1 Peter 2:3; 1 Peter 3:15; Zech. 12:10/John 19:37; Sharp's Rule; KERAS SOTERIAS - "a horn of salvation,"; ASIARCHES `the commissioners of festivals and games.'; DIAKONOS "minister"; MONOGENES "onlybegotten"; KOLASIS; PSYCHE "soul"; TASSO; STAUROS ""torture stake"; (Defending the NWT)

Replies to Criticisms Made By Dr. Edgar J. Goodspeed:

NWT - Goodspeed's Criticism (Defending the NWT)

Replies to Criticisms Made By Dr. Julius Mantey:

NWT - Heb. 9:27 - "Once For All Time" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - John 1:1 (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Jn 8:58 - "I AM" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Kolasis - "Cutting Off" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Luke 23:43 - Punctuation (Defending the NWT)

Luke 23:43 and the NWT (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Accuracy of the NWT: "Tombs" - The original Greek word is derived from the verb meaning "to remember" or "to memorialize." (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

NWT - Rev. 3:14 (Defending the NWT)

Replies to Criticisms Made By Walter Martin:

NWT - Analuo ("Releasing") - Phil. 1:21-23 (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Martin: NWT "Misquoting" and "Obvious Misuse" of Mantey's Work (Defending the NWT)

NWT - "Other" at Col. 1:16 (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Parousia ("Presence") (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Pneuma - "Spirit," "Wind," "Breath" (Defending the NWT)

Replies to Criticisms Made By Zondervan's "So Many Versions?":

NWT - "Baptism for Dead" and "Virginity" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - "God/a god" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - "Is" Translated as "Means" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - "Jehovah" in the New Testament (Defending the NWT)

NWT - "[Other]" and Phil. 2:6 (Defending the NWT)

NWT - "Peculiar Translations" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - "Rock-mass"; "Holy Ones"; and "Inspired Expression" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Sharp's Rule (Defending the NWT)

NWT - SMV Conclusion (Defending the NWT)

NWT - "Too Literal" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Criticism by Zondervan's So Many Versions? - "Torture Stake" vs. "Cross" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Weights and Measures (Defending the NWT)

Replies To General Criticisms:


NWT - Jn 17:3 - "Taking in Knowledge" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Unnamed (Anonymous) Translators and Humility (Defending the NWT)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lord's Evening Meal

Click on any of the following to view:

MEMORIAL (Lord’s Evening Meal) (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

Lord’s Evening Meal (Insight-2 pp. 268-271; Watchtower Online Library)

The Lord’s Evening Meal—An Observance That Honors God (bh p. 206-p. 208; Watchtower Online Library)

Who Are to Partake of the Bread and the Wine and How Does One Know if They Are of the Anointed Or Called to Heavenly Life? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why Observe the Lord’s Evening Meal? (w03 2/15 pp. 12-16; Watchtower Online Library)

The Lord’s Evening Meal—How Observed? (w04 3/15 pp. 4-7; Watchtower Online Library)

What Does the Lord’s Evening Meal Mean to You? (w03 2/15 pp. 17-22; Watchtower Online Library)

The Ransom—God’s Greatest Gift (bh chap. 5 pp. 47-56; Watchtower Online Library)
How can you demonstrate that you appreciate God’s gift of the ransom? Attend the annual observance of the Lord’s Evening Meal.

The Eucharist—The Facts Behind the Ritual (w08 4/1 pp. 26-29; Watchtower Online Library)
What was the original observance that Jesus instituted like?

The Memorial of Christ’s Death - Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Observe it Annually? (Defend Jehovah's Witnesses)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Nephilim - Links to Information

Click on any of the following links to view:

Nephilim - Links to Information (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

NEPHILIM (Insight-2 pp. 491-493; Watchtower Online Library)

Who were the Nephilim? (Search For Bible Truths)

Could the Neanderthals be the nephilim of Genesis 6? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Knowledge - Links to Information

Click on any of the following links to view:

Knowledge - Links to Information (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

KNOWLEDGE (Insight-2 pp. 180-182; Watchtower Online Library)

Knowledge (Search Results From the Watchtower Online Library)

The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (Search For Bible Truths)

NWT - Jn 17:3 - "Taking in Knowledge" (Defending the NWT)

NWT - Jn 17:3 - "Taking in Knowledge" (Bible Translation and Study)

Knowledge of God and His Son Leads to Life Pastor Russell)

Why doesn't the Bible give all of the answers? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Why didn't God give us more information than what is found in the Bible? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (Search For Bible Truths)

Are only those who have received special, "higher education" in certain religious teaching institutions qualified to understand God's Holy Word? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

What did the tree of the knowledge of good and bad represent? (Search For Bible Truths)

Israel's Essential Knowledge of God; The God of Judaism; First Christians WITHIN Judaism (Search For Bible Truths)

What must we do to fill our spiritual need? (Search For Bible Truths)

Life - Links to Information

Click on any of the following links to view:

Life - Links to Information (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

Life (Insight-2 pp. 245-252; Watchtower Online Library)

What is the purpose of life? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why did God make us? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

What Gives Life True Meaning? (w04 8/1 pp. 29-31; Watchtower Online Library)

Purposeful Design or Mindless Process? (g 12/09 pp. 4-8; Watchtower Online Library)

In the passages where the Bible says that humans will eventually live forever on earth, is this to be taken literally? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

What is "immortality" as opposed to "everlasting (eternal) life"? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Would it be boring to live forever? (Search For Bible Truths)

Endless Life on Earth, a Joyful Blessing or a Condemnation? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)
Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (Search For Bible Truths)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Jehovah's Witnesses - Links to Information

Jehovah's Witnesses
(For the associated blog/website concerning Jehovah's Witnesses, click here. If you are looking for the authoritative information on beliefs, practices and news releases you should look to the source at )

Click on any of the following links to view:

JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES - Links to Information (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

Where can I find the Official Jehovah's Witnesses' Web Site, On-line Publications and Public Information? (Search For Bible Truths)

How Can I Contact My Local Jehovah's Witnesses? (Search For Bible Truths)

Age / Origin (of Jehovah's Witnesses) (Category)

How Old is the Religion of Jehovah's Witnesses? (Search For Bible Truths)

What are some early Christian writings that support Jehovah's Witnesses' teachings? (Search For Bible Truths)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses an American religion? (Search For Bible Truths)

Alcohol (Jehovah's Witnesses' view of) (Category)

How do Jehovah's Witnesses view the consumption of alcohol? (AB; Elijah)

Bible; New World Translation (of Jehovah's Witnesses)
(For the associated blog/website concerning the NWT, click here.)

NWT On-line (JW.ORG)

Quotes from sources not affiliated with Jehovah's Witnesses that show that the name "Jehovah" was in fact originally in the New Testament (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses primarily use the New World Translation Bible? Why not just use the King James Version? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Have Jehovah's Witnesses always used the New World Translation Bible? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Birthdays (and Jehovah's Witnesses)  (Category)

Why don't Jehovah's Witnesses celebrate birthdays? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why are wedding anniversaries acceptable to celebrate but not birthday anniversaries? (Search For Bible Truths)

Beliefs (of Jehovah's Witnesses)

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Jesus? (Search For Bible Truths)

The Official Web Site of Jehovah's Witnesses The Official Jehovah's Witnesses Website Home Page

Search The Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site

Jehovah's Witnesses FAQs

Questions Often Asked by Interested People

What beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses set them apart as different from other religions? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Blood (and Jehovah's Witnesses). (For the associated blog/website concerning God's View of Blood, click here.)

Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses "Abstain From Blood"? (Search For Bible Truths)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses correct for refusing blood transfusions? (Search For Bible Truths)

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses allow the use of autologous blood (autotransfusion), such as by having their own blood stored and later put back into them? (Search For Bible Truths)

Blood - Links to Information (Watchtower Online Library)

Showing Respect for Blood (Watchtower Online Library)

Child Protection (and Jehovah's Witnesses)

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Child Protection (Search For Bible Truths)

Do Jehovah’s Witnesses or the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society condone child abuse? (Pastor Russell)

Christian (Jehovah's Witnesses)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Christian religion? (Search For Bible Truths)

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Jesus? (Search For Bible Truths)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses not Christians because they do not believe in the trinity? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Believe in the Trinity? (Search For Bible Truths; Video)

Community; Contributions to (by Jehovah's Witnesses)

What are some of Jehovah's Witnesses' contributions to the community? (

What Impact Have Jehovah's Witnesses Had on Civil Liberties in The United States? (Search For Bible Truths)


Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account? (Search For Bible Truths)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses Creationists? (Watchtower Online Library)

Cult? (are Jehovah's Witnesses?)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses Really a Cult? - Showing How This Label is Incorrect (Search For Bible Truths; Videos Included)

Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a Cult? (Pastor Russell)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses a Sect or a Cult? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why do some people call Jehovah's Witnesses a cult? (Search For Bible Truths)

Dates (and Jehovah's Witnesses)

Dates (1914; 1975) (Search For Bible Truths)

Disfellowshipping (and Jehovah's Witnesses) (Category)

What is expelling (disfellowshiping) and why is/was it used in the Christian congregation? (Search For Bible Truths)

Is the practice of disfellowshipping (expelling) found in the Bible? (Search For Bible Truths)

To what extent should Christians avoid fellowship with disfellowshipped ones? (Search For Bible Truths)

What About Christians Living In The Same Household With a Disfellowshipped Family Member? (Search For Bible Truths)

Can someone be reinstated back to the congregation after being Disfellowshipped / Expelled? (Search For Bible Truths)

Do you have to be ignored if you are disfellowshipped in a Jehovah Witness Religion? (Y/A)

DISCIPLINE “TO THE PROPER DEGREE” (Watchtower Online Library)

Appreciating the Purpose of Discipline (Watchtower Online Library)

Funding (and Jehovah's Witnesses) (Category)

How is the work of Jehovah's Witnesses financed? (Search For Bible Truths)

How Is It All Financed? - Not Serving for Personal Gain (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

God's Name  (Category)

The Divine Name - Links to Information (Watchtower Online Library)

"There seems to be no other readily-identifiable, world-wide religious group that use the personal name of God to identify themselves today." (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Heaven / 144,000 (and Jehovah's Witnesses) (Category)

What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe Regarding Physical And Heavenly Afterlives? The 144,000? (Search For Bible Truths)

What future hope is there for Jehovah's Witnesses if they believe that only 144,000 go to heaven? (Search For Bible Truths)

If Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people go to heaven, then wouldn't making more Jehovah's Witnesses reduce their own chances of getting into heaven? (Search For Bible Truths)

Holidays (and Jehovah's Witnesses) (Category)

What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe about holidays? (Search For Bible Truths; VIDEO)

What is life like for Children that are raised in the Jehovah's Witness faith (no holidays)? (Y/A)

Why is paganism so despicable to Jehovah's Witnesses? (Search For Bible Truths)

Do Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Anything? (Search For Bible Truths)

Infallible? Inspired? (are Jehovah's Witnesses?)

Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (Search For Bible Truths)

Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever claimed to be an INSPIRED prophet? (Search For Bible Truths)

Has The Watchtower Society Ever Claimed to be Infallible? (Search For Bible Truths)

No Claim of Inspiration (Pastor Russell)

Jesus (Category)

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Jesus? (Search For Bible Truths)

Kingdom Halls (and Jehovah's Witnesses) (Category)

Where And How Do Jehovah's Witnesses Meet? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses refer to their meeting places as "Kingdom Halls"? (Search For Bible Truths)

VIDEO: Jehovah's Witnesses - A very fair and unbiased report from the BBC "A look at a meeting conducted inside one Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses."(Search For Bible Truths)

What beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses set them apart as different from other religions? (Search For Bible Truths)

What would be appropriate attire when attending Jehovah's Witnesses' places of worship and why? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses hold meetings of worship on the seventh day (Sunday)? Is it because of the Sabbath? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Why do women wear dresses instead of pants to the meetings? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Name (of Jehovah's Witnesses)

What Does it Mean to be a Witness of Jehovah? (Search For Bible Truths)

How We Came to Be Known as Jehovah’s Witnesses (Pastor Russell)

"There seems to be no other readily-identifiable, world-wide religious group that use the personal name of God to identify themselves today." (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Neutrality (and Jehovah's Witnesses) (Category)

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Vote, Pledge Allegiance Or Support The Military? (Search For Bible Truths)

How do Jehovah's Witnesses view voting? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Why don't Jehovah Witnesses say the pledge of allegiance? (Search For Bible Truths)

Christian Neutrality (JW United)

Organization (Category) (Also see "Watch Tower Society" in main menu.)

Organization and Obedience (Search For Bible Truths)

How the Governing Body Is Organized (Pastor Russell)

How Are Jehovah's Witnesses Organized? (Search For Bible Truths)

How Jehovah's Witnesses Are Organized? (Watchtower Online Library)

Our Ministry, History and Organization (Jehovah’s Witnesses Official Media Web Site)

Their Modern Development and Growth (Pastor Russell)

Development of the Organization Structure (Pastor Russell)

How do Jehovah's Witnesses view Charles T. Russell? (Pastor Russell)

Paganism (Jehovah's Witnesses' view of)  (Category)

Why is paganism so despicable to Jehovah's Witnesses? (Search For Bible Truths)

Should WEDDING RINGS and the use of days and months of the GREGORIAN CALENDAR be avoided by true Christians? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses use the Gregorian calender when it's months are named in honour of the pagan Roman kings/gods? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Is the Watchtower of pagan origin? (Pastor Russell)

Persecution (and Jehovah's Witnesses)

Why do some people hate Jehovah's Witnesses? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why are Jehovah's Witnesses so hated? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Why are JW's so hated? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Why do people attack Jehovah's Witnesses? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Why are Jehovah's Witnesses persecuted and spoken against? (Search For Bible Truths)

Scriptures of encouragement when faced with opposition in our ministry (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Religious Persecution - Why? (Watchtower Online Library)

Preaching (and Jehovah's Witnesses)  (Category)

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses preach from house to house? (Search For Bible Truths)

Does the method of preaching from house to house have its basis in the Scriptures? (Search For Bible Truths)

How do true Christians differentiate themselves from other religions when practicing Christianity? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why do the Witnesses call repeatedly even at homes of people who do not share their faith? (Search For Bible Truths)

Scriptures of encouragement when faced with opposition in our ministry (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Should you allow some physical traits that you have no control over get in your way of talking to others about God's Kingdom? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Sisters key role in the ministry (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

A Radio Pioneer - MAKING RADIO HISTORY (Pastor Russell)

The Photo Drama of Creation - NEW WAY TO DECLARE THE GOOD NEWS (Pastor Russell)

Why do Jehovah Witnesses go door to door in twos? (Search For Bible Truths)

Publications (from Jehovah's Witnesses)

View Online Watchtower Articles (Watchtower Online Library)

Jehovah's Witnesses—Who Are They? What Do They Believe? On-line Jehovah's Witnesses Brochure: "Jehovah's Witnesses—Who Are They? What Do They Believe?" (Watchtower Online Library)

NWT On-line The NWT (Jehovah's Witnesses) Bible On-line (Watchtower Online Library)

Publications Available (JW.ORG)

The Watchtower and Awake magazines An on-line selection of articles that have appeared in the current Watchtower and Awake! magazines by Jehovah's Witnesses. (JW.ORG)

Watchtower and Awake! Magazine Audio Downloads (JW.ORG)

Notable Statistics About the Watchtower and Awake! Magazines (Search For Bible Truths)

When Someone You Love Dies On-line Jehovah's Witnesses Brochure: "When Someone You Love Dies"

Books and Brochures for Bible Study (JW.ORG)

Why is the Watchtower magazine called the "Watchtower"? (Pastor Russell)

Is it true that Jehovah's Witnesses print the 1st & 2nd most widely distributed magazines in the world? (Search For Bible Truths)

Magazine quantity statistics (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Providing Literature for Early Bible Students (Pastor Russell)

The Kingdom Interlinear Translation (Pastor Russell)

Salvation; View of (Category)

What is the fate of those whose beliefs differ from Jehovah's Witnesses? (Search For Bible Truths)

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only they will be saved? (Search For Bible Truths)

Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe That They Are the Only Ones Who Will Be Saved? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers; With reference to 11/1/08 WT article)

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe that their religion is the only right one? (Search For Bible Truths)

How do true Christians differentiate themselves from other religions when practicing Christianity? (Search For Bible Truths)

Don't Other Religions Besides Jehovah's Witnesses Also Follow The Bible? (Search For Bible Truths)

Trinity (Jehovah's Witnesses view of)  (To view the 'Files', 'Scriptures' and 'Subject' Indexes of our associated blog/website "Examining the Trinity", click here.)

Responses to those who falsely claim that Jehovah's Witnesses quoted out of context in the brochure "Should you believe in the Trinity?" (Examining the Trinity)

Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Believe in the Trinity? (Search For Bible Truths; Video)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses not Christians because they do not believe in the Trinity? (Search For Bible Truths)

Are Jehovah's Witnesses the first to reason that Jesus is Michael the Archangel? (Search For Bible Truths)

Jehovah's Witnesses, not a form of Arianism (Pastor Russell)


Why do Jehovah's Witnesses hold meetings of worship on the seventh day (Sunday)? Is it because of the Sabbath? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Entertainment - Links to Information

Click on any of the following links to view:

Entertainment - Links to Information (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

Entertainment (Search Results From the Watchtower Online Library)

Where Can I Find Good Entertainment? (AWAKE! NOVEMBER 2011; JW.ORG)

What types of entertainment are appropriate for true Christians? (Search For Bible Truths)

What does the Bible say about dancing? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

"Keep Leisure in Its Proper Place" (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Coptic - Links to Information

Click on any of the following links to view:

What is the Coptic Language and why is it important? (Search For Bible Truths)

From a Biblical standpoint, why is Coptic extremely important and for what reasons? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

What is the Sahidic and when did it come into existence? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

The Importance of the Sahidic Coptic Version (copticjohn)

How does the Coptic text render John 1:1? (Search For Bible Truths; Video Included)

John 1:1 and the Coptic Versions (NWT and Coptic)

Coptic John 1:1 (Reasoning From Scripture)

Is there any connection between the Coptic canonical Gospels and the Coptic Gnostic "gospels"? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

How is John 10:33 translated in the coptic? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

The Sahidic Coptic of John 14:14 (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

How does the 2nd/3rd century Sahidic Coptic version translate Acts 20:28? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

How does the 2nd/3rd century Sahidic Coptic version translate 1 Tim. 3:16? (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

"The Coptic text uses articles with the term 'holy spirit', proving conclusively that it was not regarded as a personal name by those early translators." (Jehovah's Witnesses Questions and Answers)

NWT and Coptic (NWT and Coptic)

Sahidic Coptic Insight on NT Verses (Sahidic Coptic Insight on NT Verses)

Bibliacoptica (Bibliacoptica)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Click on any of the following to view:

Elohim - Links to Information (INDEX; Watchtower Online Library)

GOD (Insight-1 pp. 968-971; Watchtower Online Library)

Does Elohim really mean a "plural oneness" or a "plurality of persons"? (Search For Bible Truths)

Why it is Highly Probable That the Hebrew Word 'Ehyeh' is Mistranslated as "I AM" at Exodus 3:14 (Search For Bible Truths)

God and gods (Examining the Trinity)

ELOHIM - Plural 'God'  and "Let Us Make Man in Our Image" (Examining the Trinity)

HUMPTY - (DEFINITIONS OF “GOD”) (Examining the Trinity)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010