Paul, writing to the Asia Minor Christians (also composed of both Jewish and ex-pagan Christians), stressed the unity required of ALL Christians regardless of culture, circumstances, hardships, etc.:
"There is one body and one Spirit ... one Lord, one faith, one baptism, ..." (Eph. 4:4-6) And, the body of Christ is to be "built up until we all reach unity in the faith ... attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." (Eph 4:12,13). "You must no longer live as the gentiles do ..." - Eph. 4:17 NIV.
Proper authority in government (whether truly just, good or bad) is to be obeyed by Christians in all things that do not clearly violate God's commandments. (Rom. 13:1) That means that true Christians do not become involved in movements to change (or even criticize or protest) that government.
If this behavior is required for Christians in their relationship with worldly leaders, then HOW MUCH MORE must we obey the decisions of men appointed by God to be our spiritual leaders on earth. Even when we disagree with some of them (as long as they do not clearly ask us to break God's ESSENTIAL commands) we are to be humble and obedient so that the word of God may not be spoken of abusively (as it so clearly is because of the lack of obedience to proper authority by Christendom).
It's so much better to be accused of "slavish conformity" by the members of Christendom than to be so plainly divided into bickering, disobedient parties and sects as are even individual churches in Christendom. Even the strongest of them exists divided...certainly not "one body".
The unity of Christians cannot be overemphasized. And a footnote for John 17:22 says:
"Again the Lord emphasized the importance of unity among his followers, and again the standard is the unity of the Father and the Son." - Zondervan, 1985.
There are other important scriptural teachings which this organization lives by that other organizations either completely ignore or give only lip-service to. But when considering only the few essentials even, it becomes obvious that there is either only one organization today being guided by Jehovah's spirit or there is none.
As Peter said when even Jesus taught some things that stumbled his followers who didn't completely understand,
"Who shall we go to? You have the MESSAGE OF ETERNAL LIFE" - John 6:68 The Jerusalem Bible.
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